Beiträge mit Schlagwort “Guitar

Guitar Recording Techniques – Amp simulation, impulse responses – My current setup

My first post in english (I’ll translate it to german when I find the time) for some of my foreign readers (Meinte : ) )…..

I currently record using my ESI UL24 interface, going direct from guitar to interface, mono. Everything after the guitar will be virtual.
For my current Metalcore project we started using a POD X3 Live, recording 2 tracks, 1 DI and 1 with Amp+Cab sim from the POD which was the guide track for monitoring.
After trying several sounds we settled on only using the DI track with Softube’s Metal Amp Room….

For this DI tracks I tried Peavey’s Revalver, Softube Plugins and Guitar Rig (normal and Ramfire versions). After recording 2 songs with this setup I still was very unhappy with our guitar sound so I wanted to try something new.

Unfortunatly my ultimate recording setup (featuring a tube preamp and impulse responses – more about that in the next article) isn’t fully finished yet so I searched for new plugins.
I remembered about a Engl e530 Preamp Simulation that I found a few years back but never could get a good sound out of it and after listening to previews decided to try it again.

Here is the clip that made me try it again:

So and now guess what? It’s freeware…..!

Current version is 1.6, it is called TSE x30, you can find it in the internet or I can mail it…..
After trying this again with a new impulse response (a special way to simulate a cabinet+mic combination, a fuel explanation will follow later) provided by a friend from the Randall MTS forum, I was blown away and searched for new releases…..

There are quite a few freeware guitar amp sims but in my opinion only a few really sound good….. TSE makes some, the X30, a new amp X50 with even more balls and a tubescreamer simulation which I use too.

LePoulin provides several amp simulations (Peavey 5150, Bogner XTC) but imho they aren’t useful. Only really important thing is his „leCab“ with which you can load Impulse responses in mono or stereo (2 for left and right possible), high-pass, low-pass and pan the way you want.

So after this my current signal-chain is:
Guitar -> Interface -> Gate -> TSE 808 Boost -> TSE X30 Preamp -> LeCab -> parametric EQ -> Comp

And I quite like it 😀
(Started to make me want an Engl amp again….)

Next article will be about Impulse Respones, my ultimate recording + live setup (take my recording setup, add a poweramp and cab) and things I may have found out until then 😀


By the way: you can check out this song, its the above mentioned signal chain with my Schecter C-1+

Tough on the outside